What is HELLP Syndrome?
HELLP Syndrome stands for Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, and Low Platelets.
Symptoms can be similar to those of preeclampsia but are defined as:
Swelling of the face and hands
Blurred vision, double vision, auras, sensitivity to light, or temporary vision loss
Severe headaches that do
not go away
Shortness of breath or pain
with breathing
Nausea, vomiting, or
severe indigestion
Upper right chest pain, shoulder pain (especially when breathing), or abdominal pain under the ribcage
Along with these symptoms, your provider will complete a blood pressure check, blood work, and a urine sample in order to diagnose HELLP syndrome.
Treatment for HELLP syndrome during pregnancy includes emergency and immediate delivery of the infant and placenta; a possible blood transfusion; and possible corticosteroids to improve fetal lung development if pregnancy is extremely premature.
Treatment for HELLP syndrome postpartum includes a possible blood transfusion, and other medical interventions to improve outcomes.
If you have any questions regarding HELLP syndrome, please contact your provider.